The Solution

The Solution starts with Anonymity, Technology & traceability

  • Aside from the essential cookies, its not necessary for me to know who you are, I only need to know certain characteristics about you.
    Zero knowledge Proofing allows an individual through math to verify certain characteristics about things
    The typical example that is used is two people enter a cave from either side how do they find the middle without revealing what path they took.
    PureAnonymity within the law

  • The Technology that underpins the work here is opensource:
    Passport NFC- NFC Explainer
    Zero knowledge Proofing-Zero Knowledge Proof
    Digital ledging Technology- Law commission on digital ledgers
    Soul Bound Tokens- Forum link to the EIP
    Lit Protocol- Access Control to the vault
    Liquidity Pool/NFT markeplace:NFT Marketplace creation
    Vouchsafe: A “vouching” mechanism system: Vouching
    This is not an exhaustive list

  • An solution should be inherently auditable and traceable, but not at the behest of time.
    Put simply good lawyers are expensive and should be paid for their legal mind rather than their ability to talk to clients or find money

Unironically the solution that encompasses: Anonymity, technology and traceability is using NFTs in a sensible manner