SBT minting

This is a Graphical Overview of Processes of SBT[Soul bound Tokens]
That explains how the Soul-bound minting system works as this controls access to the ecosystem(s).

Why SBTs?

Soul Bound Tokens are really interesting as they are non transferable by design thus they can be used to control access to a variety of OnChain and Offchain systems. The basis of the soul token itself can vary from being based off a decentralised identity through to a formal governmental system
e.g: Nickname vs Real name.

The latter is particularly interesting as it then becomes a question of would a SBT be AML/KYC compliant? If so could it also be anonymous? If so, then you have a very interesting scenario of “Anons” who are compliant with AML/KYC laws.
The lack of compliance with AML/KYC is seen as one of the barriers to widespread option: Does this solve the problem?

To be clear SBTs and decentralised IDs are not novel; the combination of SBTs and ZKP is.

Types of SBT

There are 4 main categories of SBT and all they have the following characteristics:

The current design for the SBTs from a legal perspective are based on the sound writing by Matthew Kimber in “Bind to law